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I am ME
Call me Rani or Lio.
My Hobby is drawing, writing and daydreaming - cause my imagination is super wild.
Love book as much as breathing.

Feeling: Happy
Eating: Snickers!
Doing: Study for Exam!
Watching: Captain America 2
Listening to: Honeymoon Avenue

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Rotten Things

Lets Catching Fire!
Online Shopping
My University life (?)
Hello Jekardah!
What i'am doing right now?
Officially College Student
My Drawing
Yearbook Photo Shoot!
School, sometime good thing happen.
Snow White

The Time


Written at Wednesday 1 January 2014 | back to top
Time 11:25 pm


Bagai mana kabar kalian? Semoga pada seneng ya, kan udah tahun 2014, pada ngerayain dong. Biasanya ya tahun baruan itu jalan bareng keluarga atau bareng temen. Kalo gak jalan keluar ya ngerayain di rumah, ngumpul-ngumpul bareng keluarga nonton film atau main kembang api bareng.

Biasanya itu rutinitas gue tiap tahun di Jakarta.

Tapi sekarag gue di Malang. Gaada orang tua, gaada temen yang bisa diajak jalan mau jalan? bah lagi krisis akhir bulan juga soalnya pada pulkam. Damn it. Damn.

By the way, kartu sim gue rusak sehari sebelum tahun baru. Gue gabisa ngebbm atau ngebalas ucapan tahun baru.

Jadi untuk menghibur diri gue beli banyak cemilan meskipun lagi krisis keuagan, naik ke lantai dua kostan buat internetan, online twitter dan facebook, browsing, download lagu dan lain lain. Then make a wish:

And in the next morning, the most suckiest thing happened to me. I didn't want to talk about what thing is that, but trust me, i freaked out. Totally. 

God, i pray to you once more, make 2014 a great year for me. Idk why you made me start 2014 with terrible thing like that. Huhuhu....
